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Dentures – Grand Prairie, TX

A Lifelike Tooth Loss Solution

While the dentures of the past were bulky and obvious, the prosthetics provided by our team at Real Dental are sleek, comfortable, and make it look and feel like a patient never lost their teeth in the first place. When you become our patient, our dentists will walk you through the denture creation process step-by-step to ensure your final result leaves you feeling confident and secure in your smile. We can create dentures in Grand Prairie, TX to replace just a few teeth or even all of them, and you can learn more about this lifelike tooth loss solution by contacting us today!

senior woman with dentures in Grand Prairie showing off her smile

Why Choose Real Dental for Dentures?

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Are you missing at least a few teeth? Is your mouth in generally good health? Can you commit to maintaining a daily oral hygiene routine? If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” then you’re most likely a good candidate for dentures. Just to make sure, your dentist in Grand Prairie will thoroughly examine your smile during your initial denture consultation. If we find any untreated oral health concerns, like infection in your gums or remaining teeth, then we’ll include the appropriate treatments in your overall plan to rebuild your smile.

Effects of Missing Teeth

Tooth loss can be caused by numerous different factors. They span from tooth decay to gum disease to trauma. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, missing teeth results in a wide array of consequences. Tooth loss can lead to facial sagging, difficulty speaking, difficulty chewing, and low self-esteem. The good news is that dentures can improve all of these aspects of your life.

What Qualifies You for Dentures?

Most adults can get dentures without a problem. They are ideal for people who are missing several, most of, and all of their teeth. People who wear dentures need to maintain healthy gum tissue and have sufficient jawbone density. When teeth are missing for a long time, the jawbone is reabsorbed by the body, therefore resulting in bone loss. If you currently have any dental issues, like gum disease or tooth decay, these things need to be addressed and eliminated before you can move forward in the process of getting your new dentures.

Alternative Tooth Replacement Options

If you are not a candidate for dentures or they don’t sound appealing, you might want to consider some of the other tooth replacement options we offer:

Learn More About Dental Bridges

Learn More About Dental Implants

  • Dental Bridges: A dental bridge “bridges” the gap in your smile where your tooth is missing. Bridges are great for people who are only missing a single tooth or a few consecutive teeth. Dental bridges require that the patient has healthy adjacent teeth surrounding the empty space to support it.
  • Dental Implants: A dental implant is a titanium, screw-like post that is surgically inserted into the jawbone. To be able to get dental implants, it is required that the patient has sufficient jawbone density and is healthy enough to undergo a minor surgical procedure. Dental implants have a higher upfront cost, but they last for multiple decades. You may never have to worry about your missing teeth again!

Types of Dentures

two full dentures and two partials

Dentures are a great way for patients suffering from any degree of tooth loss to enjoy a functional, confident smile again. Each denture is custom-made for a patient’s specific needs, and they consist of a number of lifelike ceramic teeth and an acrylic base that has been dyed to match the color of gum tissue. In general, there are three types of dentures:

Full Dentures  

hand holding a glass of water with full dentures soaking in it

When you hear the word “denture,” you probably picture a full denture in your mind, which is a prosthetic that’s designed to replace an entire row of teeth at the same time. Typically, this type of denture sits on top of the gums and is held in place using natural suction or a small amount of denture adhesive.

Partial Dentures

partial denture replacing multiple missing teeth along an arch

If a patient still has some healthy teeth remaining, we can provide them with a partial denture that fits between them to seamlessly close gaps throughout the mouth. The gum-colored base of a partial denture can be formed into any shape that’s necessary, and is held in place using small metal clasps that loop around nearby teeth. Partials enable our team to preserve the rest of a patient’s teeth and have them work in tandem with a prosthetic to create a smile that is as strong and reliable as possible.

Implant Dentures

four dental implants supporting a full denture

Maybe you miss the sturdy, powerful chewing ability of your natural teeth. In that case, we may recommend attaching a full or partial denture to a small number of dental implant posts that are surgically placed in the jaw. They can then provide enough support for a denture to remain securely in place without slippage and while restoring almost all of the chewing force you used to have. Plus, implant dentures can last for 30+ years with the right care, and they prevent your jawbone from shrinking after tooth loss.

How Dentures Are Made

Dentures are an incredibly convenient and cost-effective way to replace missing teeth to help you regain your bite. If you’re considering getting these prosthetics, you might also be wondering how they’re constructed in the first place, especially since yours will be fabricated specifically for you. Here’s what you should know about your dentures and their creation process.

What Are Dentures Made Of?

Whenever you see dentures, you’ll notice that they consist of two main parts: the denture base and the artificial teeth. Here’s what to know about each component:

  • Denture Base: The base is the structure that both holds your new pearly whites as well as blends in with your natural gum tissue. Not only is it created to match the rest of your mouth, but it’s also designed to remain on your gums through natural suction. The material can be made out of things like nylon, resin, acrylic, porcelain, or metal (depending on if you’re using partial dentures with metal clasps). Most full dentures are made out of acrylic.
  • Artificial Teeth: Your new teeth will typically be created by using resin or porcelain. While both materials can mimic your natural tooth enamel, porcelain is the popular choice due to its durability and longevity. That said, porcelain teeth are primarily used for full dentures as they can be abrasive to your remaining teeth.

The Denture Creation Process

Dentures require a multi-step procedure to make sure they fit your mouth perfectly. Here is what you can generally expect the creation process to look like:

  1. To start, your dentist will take impressions of your smile (upper and lower gumlines) to create a plaster replica, which will be sent to a dental lab to use for creating your dentures.
  2. At the lab, the technicians will develop a wax model of your gumline before placing artificial teeth in it with an articulator. They will then make minor adjustments to the replica by reshaping the wax so that it matches your natural gums.
  3. Your wax dentures will be sent to our team for a fitting. Once we’ve confirmed that all is well, we’ll send them back to the dental lab for completion.
  4. The lab technicians will then boil the wax off of the dentures by first placing the prosthetics in a holding device called a “flask.” The plaster will be poured into it to maintain the denture’s shape before placing the entire flask into hot water to melt off the wax portions.
  5. Holes will be made in the teeth and then acrylic will be injected into the flask in place of the wax.
  6. The technicians will use special lab tools to remove plaster from the final dentures and then place them into an ultrasonic bath as an extra plaster removal step. Any excess acrylic will be removed before the dentures are thoroughly polished.
  7. The dentures will be sent back to us after completion so that we can fit them on you. We’ll make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the final results match your mouth and are comfortable for you before sending you on your way with your new smile.

Adjusting to Your New Dentures

It’s natural to feel some discomfort or soreness after first receiving your dentures. However, with some time and practice speaking and chewing with them, you should be able to get used to using your prosthetics. To ensure a smoother process, make sure to stick with a soft food diet until chewing feels more natural. You might even experiment with adhesive if you need help speaking clearly. Speak with your dentist if you have any questions or concerns, and they’ll be happy to help you.

The Benefits of Dentures

happy senior couple sitting on their couch

Dentures have been used by people around the world for generations, and for good reason! This classic tooth replacement offers a number of benefits, including:

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

Money representing the cost of dentures in Grand Prairie

If you’ve suffered severe tooth loss, your financial situation shouldn’t prevent you from replacing your missing teeth. We strive to keep the cost of dentures in Grand Prairie within everyone’s budget. Unfortunately, there’s not a flat rate for dentures because every smile is unique. We know you deserve more than a cookie-cutter treatment plan. After examining your smile, we’ll provide you with an estimate and discuss your payment options.

Factors that affect the Cost of Dentures

Upper and lower complete dentures

No two mouths are the same, so it’s impossible to have a set rate for dentures. We wouldn’t want you paying for anything you don’t need or missing out on a treatment because it wasn’t included in the pre-determined rate. Instead, various factors affect the amount you’ll pay for dentures in Grand Prairie, such as:

  • Preparatory Treatments: It’s common to need a little prep-work, like tooth extractions or periodontal therapy.
  • Number of Teeth: You can expect to pay more if you’re treating several teeth or both arches.
  • Type of Denture: You have more options than ever to replace your missing teeth, such as traditional methods or implant-retained solutions.
  • Materials: There are discounted materials, but they are often of low quality. We’ll help you choose a high-quality material to ensure your investment lasts.

Don’t worry, you won’t be surprised by any fees. Your denture dentist in Grand Prairie will ensure you know exactly what you’ll have to pay before committing to a treatment plan.

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

Model of an implant supported denture

Dental implants are more expensive upfront because they recreate both the roots and crowns. The added cost gives you a nearly perfect replica of your real teeth. Not to mention, you’ll reduce your long-term oral health expenses because an implant denture will keep your jawbone strong to stop common issues caused by missing teeth. With the right maintenance, an implant denture can last for decades, so it can eventually pay for itself because you won’t need replacements every few years.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

Green dental insurance button on keyboard

Most dental insurances offer coverage for dentures. Although your benefits likely won’t pay the entire amount, you can use your policy to offset the cost of certain steps in your treatment, like the consultation, tooth extractions, or restorations. A member of our team will work on your behalf to file the necessary forms to maximize your dental insurance. After reaching your deductible, your benefits can pay up to 80% of the cost until hitting your annual limit. We’ll explain how your coverage is being used to pay for your new smile and if there’s any remaining balance.

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable

Pink piggy bank with loose coins

Besides working with many dental insurance plans, our office offers various financial methods to keep dentures affordable, such as:

  • Traditional Payments: We accept cash, checks, and credit cards.
  • In-House Savings Plan: You can enjoy discounted rates after paying an annual membership fee.
  • Third-Party Financing: Pay for your dentures using monthly installments via a third-party financing company.
  • Special Offers: Ask us about any current new patient specials.

If you have any questions about paying for dentures, contact our office today to speak with a member of our team.

Dentures Aftercare

patient smiling while visiting dentist

Your dentures have the power to enhance both the look and functionality of your smile. But even if you no longer have natural teeth, it’s important to maintain regular visits to the dentist. Attending checkups is essential for several reasons. Your dentist will carefully monitor the condition of any remaining teeth and gum tissue, ensuring their health and longevity. Additionally, they will diligently look for any signs of abnormalities or potential oral cancer, which can be challenging to detect with dentures alone. Early detection through routine dental visits is crucial for timely treatment and a successful recovery. For proper aftercare tips, click on the button below!

Removable Dentures

dentist holding removable dentures

Remove After Eating

Make sure you remove and rinse off your dentures after each meal. This simple practice helps prevent the accumulation of food debris and plaque. Just be sure to avoid using hot water for rinsing, as excessive heat can distort the shape of the denture material and compromise its fit.

Clean Your Restoration

To effectively clean your dentures, follow these steps:

  • Remove your dentures from your mouth.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush along with a small amount of unscented hand soap, mild dish soap, or denture cleanser to gently brush your dentures.
  • If you won't be wearing your dentures immediately, place them in a container of water or denture-cleansing solution to prevent them from drying out and losing their shape.
  • Before wearing them again, always rinse your dentures thoroughly to remove any cleaning materials. Remember, these cleaning solutions are not intended to be in the mouth!

Keep Your Dentures Safe

When cleaning your dentures, place a towel underneath them to prevent potential damage in case they are accidentally dropped. Keep your dentures out of the reach of small children and pets to avoid any unwanted incidents. By taking these simple steps, you can maintain the integrity of your dentures and ensure their longevity.

Remove When You Sleep

It’s important to remove your dentures every night before going to bed. Otherwise, wearing dentures overnight can limit blood circulation in your gums, potentially causing irritation to the soft tissues. Not only that, but sleeping with prosthetics has been linked to an increased risk of pneumonia and higher levels of plaque on the gums and tongue.

To properly care for your dentures, soak them in a denture-soaking solution overnight. This helps maintain their shape and prevents them from drying out, which could lead to permanent changes in their fit.

Notice Changes

Keep an eye out for any changes in your mouth and dentures, and promptly address them with your dentist. Look out for mouth sores, gum irritation, or signs of infection.

If your dentures become damaged, do not attempt to repair them yourself! You may unintentionally cause further harm. Instead, reach out to our team for professional assistance.

Should you experience issues like shifting, clicking, or discomfort with your dentures, don’t hesitate to inform us. We can assess the fit and determine if relining or replacement is necessary to ensure optimal functionality and comfort.

Denture FAQs

senior man asking his denture dentist in Grand Prairie questions about dentures

Whether you’re thinking of receiving your very first denture, getting your old one replaced, or upgrading yours to an implant denture, it’s perfectly normal to have some questions about the process. At Real Dental, we want to make sure that you feel fully confident before moving forward with any treatment. To that end, we’ve included a selection of frequently asked questions about dentures below. Of course, we’re also happy to address your concerns during your consultation!

Can I Sleep While Wearing My Dentures?

When we first give you your denture, we’ll typically ask that you wear it for the first 24 hours straight, including while you sleep, to help your mouth adjust. After that, though, we strongly recommend that you remove your denture before going to bed.

Taking your dentures out at night will give your jaws and gum tissue a chance to recuperate after holding your teeth in place all day. This reduces the risk of gum sores and irritation. It also presents a great opportunity to soak your prosthetic in denture cleanser (or water) for a few hours, which minimizes the buildup of harmful bacteria. Just be sure that when you soak your dentures, do NOT use hot water; it may warp the material and cause your dentures to not fit correctly.

Can I Clean My Dentures with Regular Toothpaste?

You should definitely clean your dentures on a daily basis, but avoid using regular toothpaste to do so. Toothpaste is actually abrasive enough to leave microscopic scratches on the surface of your prosthetic that could leave them severely damaged over time. This is the same reason why your denture dentist in Grand Prairie advises against using a hard-bristled toothbrush to clean your dentures. A soft-bristled toothbrush will get the job done without wearing down the material.

After every meal, remove your dentures and gently rinse them off under cold or lukewarm water. Then, carefully scrub them clean with antibacterial hand soap or mild dishwashing liquid.

How Long Do I Have to Wait to Get Dentures After My Teeth Are Pulled?

Most patients need to wait about six to eight weeks after their teeth are extracted to receive their dentures. This gives the mouth ample time to heal from the tooth extractions, and it gives our dentists ample time to design a denture that fits the unique contours of your mouth.

That being said, the type of denture you’re getting can impact the wait time. For example, if you’re receiving an immediate denture, you’ll start wearing your prosthetic as soon as your teeth are pulled. However, the shape of your gums and jawbone will change throughout the healing process, so you’ll have to have your denture adjusted later on to ensure a proper fit.

How Can I Make Dentures Affordable?

At Real Dental, we pride ourselves on providing affordable dentures in Grand Prairie, which is why we offer numerous financial options for our patients. We accept all PPO dental insurance plans, which is good news because most dental policies will cover a significant portion of the cost of dentures. Medicaid and CHIP also tend to offer a reasonable amount of coverage for dentures. Additionally, we can help you apply for a low-interest payment plan through CareCredit, and our in-house dental savings plan gives you discounts on most of our services, including dentures.

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